Find the Bankruptcy Records You Need!

Complete Bankruptcy File
- Full Case file (Petition, Schedule, Discharge..)
- Complete file is needeed when applying for FHA,
SBA, and other loan types.
- Always keep a file copy on hand.

Schedules & Discharge Papers
- Obtain discharge papers and creditor schedules
- Gives you list of creditors included in case
- Can be used to verify claims disputes from
creditors claiming not to be included in case.

Bankruptcy Discharge Papers
- Obtain official discharge papers from a case
- Used to verify case close and satisfied
- Will be required to produce this form when
applying for any form of credit/loan.
"In the legal profession, I am constantly needing to access bankruptcy documents that my clients never seem to have on file. is a great resource for doing just this."
- Richard Lutz Esq -
"I needed an old bankruptcy record so that my mortage application could be processed. It had been so long that I didn't think I would need the record again. I was able to obtain the record and information I needed instantly."
- Nancy Foster -
"I spent hours searching online for the bankruptcy record information that I needed. Wish I would have found your site first."
- Paul Lunger